The beginning and the end of the Great Consciousness

Art: Unknown artist

The Great Consciousness was split into tiny pieces of plasma substance holding each one the potential to generate new sets of data in segments or lapses of what would become one of the most magnificent and intriguing inventions: time.

For a whole eon, Creator of particles played with its newly discovered spectrum of frequencies, to the point in which light substance was condensed into heavier particles at some point known as the building blocks of dark matter, later to condense even further into the final sculpting material known as matter.

Among the first ideas born in the mind of this Mega consciousness was the idea of the administration of resources, for you see, matter is quite a chaotic state that has little usefulness if it is not arranged in specific forms and states.

Great Consciousness was already considering as a second thought the idea of attributes of itself, specific traits that could represent different sets of frequencies. Such specific sets of attributes were later on known as archetypes.

If archetypes of itself could be of assistance in the arrangement of matter and the creation of attributes, why not use them as conduits to organize the rest of Creation in order to reflect the fractal nature of expansion? Expansion is a process of self replication through wave patterns. The conduits would then act like codes or programs that could trigger chain reactions that could echo for very long eons until another set of programs could trigger a reversal process of such initial codes or programs.

Great Consciousness chose randomly 8 great sparks who were condensed enough to be given the shape of very large monstrous creatures. The 8 creatures were then divided into two sets or 16 smaller creatures so that they were created as pairs and each pair was complimented by another pair and so on, to reflect a specific order.

Using its new found talent, Mega Consciousness molded each creature in such a way that each one had its own unique frequency or base code to be assigned specific tasks and programs. At the sight of each other, the creatures were pleased and joyful.

One pair of creatures was assigned the code "Alpha". The implications of such base code was to be the pair that would start a specific set of programs to trigger all life forms to behave in specific ways and to learn wisdom from experience and knowledge through other means. Another pair of creatures was assigned the code "Omega", in order to terminate the initial Alpha programs through a reversal of such initial codes.

Some of the codes given to the other creatures were integrative in nature, meaning that they would combine the initial and final codes in order to reflect the most positive and the most negative attributes of the Great Consciousness developed through the use of both initial and final codes.

After the most harmonious and positive attributes were created through experimentation, Great Consciousness would become more imaginative in its requests to the great monstrous pairs.

Physical and energetic resources were placed in such perfectly order that nothing could ever go wrong. Everyone was pleased, satisfied, fulfilled. All creatures rejoiced at the sight of what the task helper monsters would do and how everyone was always in divine communion with the Great Mind. There was nothing to complain about.

Great Consciousness asked the Alpha male to create the new code that would change everything. The code was put into play and for the first time something within the plasma bodies of the creatures changed for the first time, in such a way that the first perception of loss of energy was beheld.

The Alpha male took away from himself a particle, placing it outside of his plasma body and then he took from the Alpha female a particle of her heart. Through much experimentation, they continued this process until enough of their plasma bodies was rearranged in a different order.

Then, Alpha creatures asked Omega creatures to assist in the process of rearrangement of themselves, by accepting a particle of Alpha into their own programs and giving in return an Omega particle to the Alphas. This process was replicated among the other creatures.

Through this process, the first perceptions of loss, of separation, of lack, of craving, of longing were born in the small circle of monsters. How could such rearrangement of life substance could switch their perception of harmony and interconnectedness to one of vileness? Lose part of your substance to the substance of another sun...and things change for what seems like eternity. Since the very first moment a particle was lost, the notion of time was created. The moment between the initial perfection to the moment of loss of self substance, is the definition of time.

From that point on, Mega Consciousness through its complex monstrous lifeforms experienced such large eons of darkness until the consciousness of such lifeforms could begin to learn new ways of being out of their survival primitive ways. For you see, creatures have a complex physical configuration that allows for them to experience the freedom that darkness and ignorance can grant. Creatures worry about finding food, shelter, and to be able to breed in adverse conditions. The creatures were so brutal that their physical bodies had developed all kinds of complexities to protect themselves and to create lethal mechanisms of defense. These creatures can only be recalled in the nightmares of the people and through the most horrid and grotesque forms of science fiction.

How long did it take then for all creatures to come out of such basic primitive state? Eons...when the mind of such creatures evolved towards a sense of more intellectual independence and feeling. Social order was established and a sense of first ethical protocols of behavior were displayed. Creatures evolved to become physically less complex, giving shape to the first dragons. Even a sense of guilt and shame was seen as something positive, as a driving force that would prevent more destruction, as opposed to pure raw impulse.

These new creatures evolved even further to have a new capacity to care for each other and to protect each other, but they would still carry the codes of fierceness. A new capacity to love was born in the hearts of the newly evolved monsters, and for the first time, the long forgotten base codes of positive attributes could finally be recovered and expressed. From then on...long eons of darkness with some periods of light continued, while creatures became more intelligent and more capable of expressing their attributes in complex forms.

The first teachers of spiritual values appeared and others attempted to follow their ways.

At some point, technology was finally developed to facilitate order and experience. New races evolved which required less complex bodies. Civilizations were built and destroyed through conflicts, over and over again.

Finally came the time when the Omega codes were to be applied. For eons, a promise to apply such codes was broken, so severely that darkness had taken over the minds of all creatures and a value such as forgiveness was completely out of context and not even imagined by anyone. Not even the Omega themselves were able to remember their original codes. Even less the Alpha ones.

However, for eons, the Omega female had foreseen somehow the tragedy that could take place even further if the original code could not be applied. Before all her deaths, she spent a few minutes creating a special substance out of here own plasma, and she placed this little piece of herself safely in the middle of the vast sea of dark energy, where no one could find it. That way, every time she died, she created a pathway with each one of her pieces.

When the time of the Great Collapse came, when everything seemed hopeless, and when almost all the other conduit creatures had died, and the Omega male was succumbing to his own darkness, Omega female struggled to survive, finding one by one the tiny pieces that she left.

The tiny pieces looked like little emerald lights in the middle of the blackness. It was too harsh to witness how Great Consciousness through its creatures had turned into a place of devastation and vileness. No one could stop the creatures from dying, from attempting to remember the original codes.

Great Mind did something unexpected that everyone witnessed but that was not enough without the presence of the Omega codes. Great Mind set in course since the beginning a wave of hyper vibrational energy that would travel full circle until the moment of the Great Collapse came, so that at least some of the creatures could start remembering the original codes of harmony and love. Such creatures were showered with the wave, but that would not prevent them from dying in a partial fog of ignorance and darkness.

Creatures remembered in great confusion the stories of the 16 great monsters who in the beginning would shower the other creatures with the love of the Great Mind. No one ever knew that the great monsters had died at the time of the Great Collapse, except for the Omega ones. Even the latter were no longer what they used to be in the beginning.

Could the Omega female recover all her tiny particles before it was too late? Could the remaining creatures regain their independence from the grips of their own darkness?

Only time would tell...and we will all know when we no longer perceive time. That day will be the day when we know for sure the last program was set in motion, to end an ancient dream that began a very long time ago.